Last time we blogged we told you there were some unexpected developments with the new to us 5th wheel. We will now satisfy your curiosity.
The former owner was a dog owner, how we did not discern this at the time of purchase is a wonderment to both of us, but we know now. The 5th wheel reeks of wet dog. Now I suppose if you are a dog owner this is okay, we however are not dog owners so the odor is not acceptable. We now need to rip out the carpeting and have the chairs steam cleaned. The steam cleaning is no big deal, the carpet on the other hand will be a major undertaking. So it is back to craigslist to find an inexpensive high quality piece of carpeting. Sounds easy right, and thankfully this time it is. Next step is to remove the existing carpet, not so easy a task. We thought may-be half to one hour to remove the old carpet and clean the flooring in preparation of laying the new carpet, in actuality it was a full days work. Next step is fitting the piece of new carpet, which surprisingly went very well. We have had some bad luck trying to cut and lay carpet in the past so we were pleasantly surprised when this task
No more carpet (Photo credit: .Larry Page) |
As with all our moves in our years together curtains must be made, so another chore to be attended to. Luckily I am a seamstress of sorts and have a plethora of fabric that has accumulated over the years. We have agreed on the fabric from the stash and I will set about sewing some curtains to make the 5th wheel our new home.
All the while downsizing is still a chore to be reckoned with. We have again reached out to our children trying to pass on the memories (junk), but to no avail. It appears we will have to give most of it to charity and the rest to a junk man. This saddens us but we know it must be done as there is no room for the amount of bric-a-brac we have accumulated over the past 38 years.
Well it is back to the sewing room for me, more at a later date.